Tobacco control still presents the major concern in Pakistan affecting the overall health and future impact on the health of the people and economy of the country. This way current strategies used to address anti-smoking may not be effective because they major in taxation. Thus, this blog focuses on the notion that Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) is a critical component in resolving the smoking problem.

Current Smoking Trends in Pakistan

This is due to the fact that smoking rates in Pakistan have been on the rise thus posing more risks to the health of the people. This approach also has negative offshoots like the following; The government has put measures like taxation that try to minimize cigarettes and smoking among people though with negative effects. More expensive regulated tobacco products are replaced with cheaper unregulated ones, which are less healthy.

Key Statistics on Smoking in Pakistan:

Percentage of smokers: Around 19% of the adult population.

Annual smoking-related deaths: Over 160,000.

Economic cost: The direct and indirect cost of smoking is estimated at billions annually.

Why Taxation Isn’t Working

It is for this reason that the government has relied on heavy taxation as a way to discourage the use of cigarettes and it seems to have worked where it is not evident that it has. This makes smokers, particularly those within the low income depend on uncontrolled and inferior quality tobacco products.

This shift presents several problems:

Increased public health risks: Cheaper alternatives are often unregulated and more dangerous.

Rising healthcare costs: The health impact of low-quality tobacco leads to higher mortality rates and increased strain on the healthcare system.

Social acceptance of smoking: The lack of viable alternatives can normalize smoking among the population.

Need for Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR)

Besides, taxation, Pakistan should concern itself with Tobacco Harm Reduction or THR policies. As a work applicable in the context of smoking, Tobacco Harm Reduction is different from Tobacco Control since the latter discusses the complete prohibition of uses of tobacco and its products. That means, the government can still encourage smokers to switch into e-cigarettes or nicotine pouches, both of which have scientific backing.

Benefits of THR:

Lower health risks: Products like vapes are considered to be 95% less harmful than cigarettes.

Support for quitting: Nicotine pouches and vapes offer a way for smokers to reduce their dependence on traditional tobacco.

Cost-effective: These alternatives can help lower healthcare costs by reducing smoking-related illnesses.

Why Pakistan Should Adopt THR Policies

Public Health Benefits:

Tobacco Harm Reduction policies could prevent thousands of deaths yearly. Therefore, by supporting safer forms of cigarettes and encouraging people of Pakistan to switch to them, the country can potentially reduce the number of smokers in the population as well as the number of diseases that are linked to smoking.

Economical Advantages:

If people smoke less, they will not spend much money on their healthcare which would save the health department a lot of money. Less related diseases mean that there will be fewer admissions to hospitals and other treatment facilities.

Education and Awareness:

The greatest challenge underlying the implementation of Tobacco Harm Reduction strategies is sheer ignorance. Thus, the government must have input in the process of enlightening the public about the possibility of THR, dispelling myths surrounding smoking, and making an informed decision possible.

Conclusion: A New Path Forward

It is therefore clear that solving Pakistan’s smoking calamity goes beyond taxation. Through the implementation of Tobacco Harm Reduction at large in its policies, Pakistan may provide options for smokers to reduce threats and enhance the overall population’s health. It is time to do so and suggest better and safer products like vapes or nicotine pouches and help the country transition to a smoke-free one.

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